Saturday, March 31, 2012

Highlights of Positive Christian Singles "I ♥ Wrestling" Dance Party, Friday, March 30, Valdosta, Georgia

Winners of the 2012 Thumb Wrestling Championships:
Gals vs. Gals: Faith_J
Guys vs. Guys: Joseph_K
Guys vs. Gals: Josh_T

Matthew_B and Clay_D entertained us with stories about their favorite wrestlers.

Our individual karaoke singers were: Anthony, Autumn_K, Clay_D, Cynthia_E, Dean_B, Donny_J, Elba_S, Faith_J, Joseph_K, Josh_T, Ken_J, Kenny_H, Marissa_C, Matthew_B, Michane_J, Michelle_B, Ric_F, and Vicky_H.

We welcomed: Anthony and Stacy.

Thanks to: Bobby_P, James, and Vicky_H for helping set up and decorate.
Thanks to: Ken_J, Michane_J, Michelle_B, Jim_T, Tammie_P, and Vicky_H for bringing snacks.

Thanks to: Michane_J, Ric_F, and Tammie_P for helping clean up and pack up.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Positive Christian Singles "I ♥ Wrestling" Dance Party, Friday, March 30, Valdosta, Georgia

I hope you will join us at our "I ♥ Wrestling Dance Party" next Friday where you can have fun while you enjoy mingling with other singles in a Christian environment.

Click on the picture above to enlarge it for easier reading about the details of our "I ♥ Wrestling Dance Party".

More info about Positive Christian Singles Dance Parties: